How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep When Pregnant

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Are you fed up with people telling you to get some good sleep in before the baby arrives? I can’t even count how many times I heard that while I was pregnant.


What is this mythical sleep? You’re hot, heavy, suffering with heartburn or indigestion.  Is it even possible to get a good night’s sleep when you’re third trimester pregnant?

When you finally get into a good position the baby decides it’s a good time to start his kick boxing workout. Right? Not to mention having to get up eleventy-billion times a night to pee because your bladder is being flattened.

Getting a good night’s sleep when you’re approaching the end of pregnancy is definitely a challenge!

Here are five tips that might help to improve your sleep during pregnancy.

How to sleep better during pregnancy

Sleep on your side

The left side preferably, as this has been found to help the flow of blood and nutrients from you to your baby. It will also help to lessen the pressure on your uterus from your rapidly growing baby and potentially help to relieve backache.

woman sleeping in bed

Don’t eat before bed

I know you might be at the stage where you want ALL the snacks, but try to stop eating two hours before you go to bed. This will help with the heartburn.

If you’re suffering badly with heartburn, you can visit your doctor for some stronger heartburn medication. It’s obviously important to still stay hydrated, but lessening the amount you drink just before bedtime can also help with those late night loo trips.

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Go screen free and keep the lights dim

Looking at your phone screen in bed will keep you awake for longer. Keeping the room dark and screen free will help with your natural melatonin levels and help you drift off quicker.

Related: Tips to ease morning sickness

Use extra pillows

Using extra pillows or pregnancy support pillows to prop up your legs and bump while you sleep can really help with some of the discomfort.

Make sure you’re eating potassium, calcium and iron rich foods

If you’re experiencing leg cramps at night, making sure your diet includes foods that contain potassium and calcium (like bananas and yoghurts) can help decrease the frequency of cramps. Stretching your calf muscles in the morning and evening can also help.

If you’re suffering with restless legs, avoiding caffeine, and eating foods rich in iron and folates can help.

If all else fails, poking your partner every so often so they know what it’s like might make you feel better.

Related: How to survive sleep deprivation as a new parent

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