My three sons – Natalie’s birth stories
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Each birth is different – as you can see from these stories shared by Natalie, who shares her unique labor experiences from each of her three sons. Natalie blogs over at Just a Cajun Momma.
My oldest: I was 23 when I had him … the pregnancy was pretty normal but when it came time to deliver ..? let me tell ya! So the contractions started about midnight and he was a week overdue already, I waited almost 5 more hours before I couldn’t take it anymore and got my butt up to the hospital.
They informed me that everything was progressing steadily over the next 5 hours and he was over 9lbs by thier calculations. Over the next 6 hours I would not gain any growth in my cervix and they would have to give me medication to speed up contractions, while putting me on a oxygen mask.
About an hour and a half from delivery I was given an epidural, which as you can imagine by the time I was ready it was wearing off and I started gaining feeling more and more. I was denied any more medication because delivery was too close, so the popped my water and I was moved into a birthing room.
My son ended up getting stuck at his shoulders and a nurse had to try dislodge him over my stomach (which I could feel and was not very happy about it). She couldn’t dislodge him and they were forced to cut me to make room for him, at that point he came out easier. After delivery I started getting really week, and passed out … I was told later I hemorrhaged and lost 2 pints of blood before they could repair me.
Related: More Real labor and birth Stories
My son was born 9lbs and 5 oz at 21 inches long. I woke up the next day and could not get out of bed for another day after getting a blood transfusion, the first time I saw my son was on my moms phone. It took almost 3 days before I could walk the distance to the NICU and see my son in person, to hold him. Total time for him was about 16 hours.
Fast forward 2 and half years. My second son was not as difficult, but during this pregnancy I formed a Umbilical Herina, I also tested positive for Gestational Diabetes and Group B Strep.
The day I was due to be induced he decided 4 hours earlier to come anyway. He was my easiest birthing wise they popped my water, did an epidural and he was out!
Afterwards, he was in NICU for nearly a week because every time he fed he would not breath and turned blue. I spent 3 days in a NICU room learning how to feed him and make sure he breathed, as well as Infant CPR before I was allowed to take him home.
Total labor and delivery time for him was about 11 hours.
5 weeks later I was supposed to get a Tubal Ligation Surgery when I was called saying it could not be preformed, I tested positive for pregnancy. Imagine my shock! But hey I knew it was a possibility, even using protection. So the phone call I had to make was the hardest, the one to my mother! This pregnancy took a lot out of me, of course I was Gestational Diabetic and Group B Strep, still with the Umbilical Herina but also neared anemia as well.
10 months and 4 days after I had my second son, I was giving birth to my last son. This delivery was the most unique, I had Doctoring Students with me from the time I got in the room to delivery, the doctor asked and I agreed to it. Everything was going ok until my water broke, after being induced at 6 am, they scrambled after to get the doc in to give me an epidural…. I was given the needle between 2 minute contractions (after asking about safety, they assured me it was safe), I jerked a little and my entire back was completely black and blue (which lasted 4 months before I healed and it went away).
I could not feel anything during birth which was hilarious with the students considering I was messing with them the whole time, or else I was thinking on the back pain. My youngest stayed in NICU for about a week because he kept getting Jaundice, I stayed in a NICU room for about 3 days before taking another Infant CPR course and was allowed to take him home. To this day I still have back problems from the last epidural, and still have an Umbilical Herina I’m dealing with.
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