Things To Do Before Your Baby Arrives – Third Trimester Checklist

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Reaching that last trimester of pregnancy can seem like such a milestone, but then time can seem to drag on forever waiting for your baby to finally make an appearance!

With the arrival of your little one just around the corner, here are some third trimester activities to make sure you’re fully prepared for labor, birth and those first moments with your newborn baby.


Things To Do In The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

Pregnant woman in third trimester

1. Choose a Name

Or two, or ten!

This is one of the most fun tasks, but can be a tricky one to agree on! You don’t have to have a name set in stone, but it helps to have narrowed down a list of your top contenders.


2. Pack Your Hospital Bag

Make sure your hospital bag is ready to go. Need some inspiration for what to include? This list has everything you need for yourself and for your new baby.

Don’t forget to remind your birth partner to pack a bag too – they don’t need as much as you, but it could take a while, so they might want to have a few bits just in case!


3. Write a Birth Plan

You don’t have to have one, but if you’ve got specific ideas of what you want/don’t want it’s a good idea to have one for your partner/midwife to see so they can help you try and fulfil your wishes. Just be aware that babies aren’t always on board with our plans!

What to include in your birth plan:

  • Your birthing partner(s) – who you want with you through labor and delivery
  • Pain relief – what kind of pain relief you want/don’t want to use
  • Equipment you’d like to use – would you like to use a birth pool/birth ball?
  • Cut the cord – would you like delayed cord clamping/your partner to cut the cord?
  • Any other specific preferences


Related: Real Birth Stories – labor and delivery experiences


4. Get Prepared For Labor

Make sure you’ve got an idea of the stages of labor. The whole thought of giving birth can be a bit overwhelming so getting your head around it before hand can help stop you freaking out when the time comes, and make you feel a bit more relaxed about it. Have you been to an antenatal class? These can help give a good idea of what to expect and teach you some techniques to help.

These labor tips from moms offer some great advice too.


5. Don’t Forget to Prepare for Postpartum Recovery

Giving birth is a pretty big deal physically as well as emotionally, and it can take some time to recover. Stock up on your essentials, like maternity pads and comfy undies.

You can also read these postpartum tips from moms who’ve been there to give you an idea of what to expect and how to speed up your recovery and enjoy your newborn.


6. Prepare For Baby

Is your home ready for your little one?

Make sure you’re covered for all your newborn essentials – some clothes, nappies, wipes etc. Be organised by setting up their crib/basket ready for them to sleep with clean bedding and blankets.

Think about how you’re planning to bring them home from hospital if you’re having a hospital birth. Is your car seat or stroller set up and ready?


Related: Money saving tips to prepare for baby on a budget


7. Prepare For Breastfeeding/Bottle Feeding

If you’re planning or hoping to breastfeed, these breastfeeding tips are a good place to start. It’s a good idea to grab a few breastfeeding essentials too – nursing bras, breast pads and nipple cream (I loved Lansinoh lanolin cream!) are a must.

If you’re planning to bottle feed, have you got all the equipment you need ready? Bottles, teats, sterilising equipment?


8. Take a Pregnancy Photo

Whether you love being pregnant or hate feeling like a waddling cross breed elephant penguin, it’s a weird feeling to suddenly not have that bump anymore!

One thing I’m a little sad about now is not having taken photos while I was pregnant.

So take the opportunity to get a couple of pregnancy photos now- you might enjoy looking back at them, and it’s a fun thing to be able to share with your baby when they’re a bit older and start asking where they came from!


9. Do a Bit of Batch Cooking

You probably wont feel up to cooking just after your baby is born, so filling your freezer with some pre-made meals could be a great way to get some good food after baby arrives and save having to cook.


10. Spend Some Time With Your Partner

I’m not saying you’ll never have time for date night again, but it’s definitely fair to say that it wont be as easy after there’s a baby in the mix!

Take the opportunity to do a few things together just as a couple, maybe go out for dinner, to the movies, anything not ‘child’ related!


11. Finally, Get Some Rest!

If you can, try and get some rest before baby arrives. I know getting good sleep while pregnant can be tough, but you’re guaranteed to be woken multiple times by your newborn, so if it’s possible now, make the most of it!

Pregnancy is hard work, so try and take some time to just do things for you – enjoy a long soak in the bath, relax with a good book, look after yourself.

Most of all, enjoy the excitement of looking forward to meeting your little one; pregnancy might seem to drag on forever, but it’ll be over before you know it!

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third trimester checklist

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